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Bake Sale Tally and Upcoming Events

From: Dianne
Sent on: Sunday, July 22, 2012, 1:36 PM

Hi everyone!


I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who baked and bought at yesterday's bake sale! And special thanks to Marie, Samantha and Stephanie for helping Jen and I work the table. We raised about $315 for the shelter, and their final tally for the day was around $1,300. The much needed money will go straight to the animals at the shelter. We're mentioned in this post in Barista Kids too!


I also want to encourage you to join us at our next two upcoming events:


On August 4th, Allyson Kramer will be joining us for a discussion and book signing for her new Great Gluten-Free Vegan Eats. She's driving up from Philly to spend the day with us, so let's give her a warm Montclair Vegans Welcome!


On August 11th we have a trip to the Catskills Animal Sanctuary scheduled. CAS will be doing a special group tour for Montclair Vegans! The tour will be with Kathy Stevens (schedule permitting... Rebecca Moore, Program Director, would lead the tour if Kathy has a scheduling conflict arise) and then they will provide a delicious gourmet vegan lunch, hand-prepared by their very own Chef Linda  – all for a price of $25 per person.


Events this fall include book signings with cookbook author's Terry Hope Romero and Nava Atlas and Farm Sanctuary's Walk for Farm Animals in Central Park. Montclair Vegans was the top fund raising team at the NYC walk last year, so let's do it again this year!


Hope to see everyone soon!


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