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Meetup details changed: Meatout 2015

From: Laura R.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 9:37 AM

It's spring again, and it's time for
Meatout 2015 - A Global Event

sponsored by FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement)

Come to a potluck dinner with Vegetarians In Pitt County (VIPs)
and share tips for making the transition to a meat-free, plant-based diet.

when: Sunday, March 15th, 5:00-7:00
where : Unitarian Universalist Congregation
131 Oakmont Dr., Greenville
(off Charles Blvd. between Red Banks & Fire Tower)

Take the pledge to eat vegan for one day (3/20) at
Sign up for Meatless Monday tips at

Food theme for the potluck: meatless makeovers for Meatout 2015

--We need a few volunteers to arrive at 4:30 to help set up. We also need people to stay after to help clean up.--

--Don't forget to add your recipes to our online cookbook. Find the link on the sign-up page of our website:

All are welcome. Newcomers are not expected to bring anything.
We have a craft table for kids.

"Fabulous Food, Fun, and Friendship"