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Girlfriend Opportunities - Part time job in West Sedona

From: Tia
Sent on: Friday, May 2, 2014, 12:50 PM

Hi everyone,

Periodically I have been asked to promote parties or training or other networking.  I want to make sure that we keep the Girlfriends group for just having fun, and not solicitations of any type, but at the same time, I don't want you to miss out on some good opportunities.

So, at my sole discretion, no more than once per calendar month, I'll send out an email to our members with these opportunities from other Girlfriends.  If you don't want to receive emails, you can reflect that in your Meetup setup options.

Here is a job opportunity (in West Sedona) from Lori:

Hi Girls,

I have a p/t position available at the inn I run. This could be anywhere from 5 - 25 hrs/wk, very flexible hours. Responsibilities include exceptional guest service, taking reservations, greeting guests, helping to serve bkfst, very well versed in all aspects of the Verde Valley tours/activities/hikes/restaurants, etc. Must be bubbly, energetic, able to work on own, being pro-active. Some computer skills. If interested, please call me at the inn (Alma de Sedona) @[masked]. Thanks! Lori