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Intuitive Skills - Energy Hygiene / Energy Tracking

Photo of Kelly Moote
Hosted By
Kelly M.
Intuitive Skills - Energy Hygiene / Energy Tracking


On May 31st, we have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Jeannie Achuff for further discussion on developing our intuitive skills - this time related to Energy Hygiene / Energy Tracking.

Dr. Jeannie Achuff, ND has been exploring the world of energy and intuition since she was 20 years old. She has trained in Reiki, Qi Gong, Yoga and chakra studies, and participated in intensive classes with various energy teachers and mystery schools in California. During these 25 years, Jeannie has come into her own blend of teaching "Energy Hygiene/ Energy Tracking" to her patients as well as classroom participants.

While the world of medicine is of course interesting, in Jeannie's eyes, it all comes down to energy. We are not taught to understand, let alone manage, our systems as energetic bodies, but when we can relate to ourselves this way and truly feel our own systems, we can easily tap into our own intuition and more readily track and understand the world around us. Jeannie feels a certain mission to help people improve these skills with the belief that the world would be a more peaceful place.

Jeannie is a licensed Naturopathic doctor with a practice in the Oaklands/ Fernwood neighbourhood of Victoria, with a focus on women's pelvic health. Explore more about Jeannie on her website and make plans to join us for this fascinating discussion.

Donations are appreciated and can be e-transferred to Donations will assist with covering our costs (Meetup registration, Zoom annual fees). 10% of annual donations after costs will be donated to a charity (charity is TBD).

Photo of The Metaphysical and Intuitive Development Group group
The Metaphysical and Intuitive Development Group
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