What we’re about
1. Die Förderung des Improvisationstheaters in Wien - sowohl die Vernetzung der bereits existierenden Gruppen und SpielerInnen, als auch den Aufbau und Einstieg für neue ImprospielerInnen.
2. Alle die am gemeinsamen Erforschen und Spielen interessiert sind. Egal ob AnfängerIn oder erfahrener Spieler - egal ob introvertiert, oder extravertiert, ob für die Arbeit und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, oder einfach nur so zur Gaudi
3. Improtheater Workshops, offene Trainings, EInsteigerkurse, Shows, Netzwerkevents
Besuche auch unsere Webseite!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Basisworkshop Impro-TheaterKinderatelier Wien, Wien€120.00
Wie baue ich eine Geschichte auf? Wie wechsle ich Charaktere und Emotionen? Und was haben Annehmen, Scheitern oder Zuhören mit Improvisationstheater zu tun? Um solche Fragen geht’s und um noch viel mehr. Zwei Tage lang erarbeiten erfahrene Impro-SpielerInnen aus der ViennaImprov Community mit euch, worauf es beim Impro-Theater ankommt. Haben wir „erarbeiten“ geschrieben? „Erspielen“ und „erspaßen“ passt viel eher.
Egal ob du völliger Neuling im Improtheater bist oder schon ein wenig hineingeschnuppert hast, du bist herzlich willkommen!
Dauer: Samstag von 10:00 bis 13:00 und 14:00 bis 17:00
Sonntag von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr (inkl. Mittagspause)Kosten: 120 €/ Wochenende
Anmeldung erfolgt durch dieses Formular: https://forms.gle/Jem3hpjVK6GZisM59
Weiterführende Fragen bitte an info@viennaimprov.org - Jim Libby's Re-Actor's StudioSubspace, Vienna€50.00
Where Imagination Meets Expression
Use this event for drop in style attendance. You will pay 50€ per session. You can also get a season ticket - all 8 sessions - for just 300 €.
Check details here: Info************************************
PaymentClick on "Participate" to join a session and pay 50€ per session by sending the amount to
IBAN: AT072011184621669600
Account Holder: ViennaImprov eV
Reference: WSRS + Your Meetup Name************************************
Cancelllation Policy
If you need to cancel your participation, you can just attend another session, just make sure you make it in time so others can join from the
waiting list(if there is one), otherwise you will lose this "voucher".************************************
Event Description
Step into a world of creativity and growth with our dynamic drop-in class led by seasoned instructor Jim Libby. Each session, we embark on a fresh exploration of acting, improvisation, performance, stage presence, or even the essence of artistic expression.
Whether you’re a seasoned performer or new to the stage, this immersive experience will explore engaging techniques, and experiment with one’s unique artistic voice.
No commitment required – drop in whenever it suits you or attend regularly to deepen your craft. Come be part of a supportive community dedicated to growth and empowerment. See you in class at Re-Actor’s Studio: Where Imagination Meets Expression! - Maestro Impro (TM) Free Warm-up Workshop with Jim & AnneSpektakel, Wien
The excitement, the fun, the drama - experience Maestro Impro(TM), the most famous theatresports format across the world!
Improvisors from Vienna’s vibrant improv scene will be joined by international guests to fight for the audience’s favor. The show has an elimination structure, where randomly chosen improvisors play scenes with each other. The directors set up the scenes, which will be scored by the audience. The players given the highest scores continue while those with lower numbers leave the show. This goes on for several rounds until only one improvisor remains - the Maestro.
You can also be part of the show - if you want! The directors will host a free warm-up workshop for all contestants to get to know each other. And we invite everyone to join us for this workshop. At the end, we will ask for volunteers and pick a few participants to go on stage with the already set cast. This offer is open for all levels of impro, even beginners!
If you do not get selected, you will need a ticket to see the show. And since there can only be a few lucky ones, we advise you to buy your tickets now (you get your money back if you are selected):
Buy Ticket!You need to RSVP to this event if you want to participate in the warm-up! The participation in the warm-up does not guarantee a spot in the show, it only gets you a chance.
- Jim Libby's Re-Actor's StudioSubspace, Vienna€50.00
Where Imagination Meets Expression
Use this event for drop in style attendance. You will pay 50€ per session. You can also get a season ticket - all 8 sessions - for just 300 €.
Check details here: Info************************************
PaymentClick on "Participate" to join a session and pay 50€ per session by sending the amount to
IBAN: AT072011184621669600
Account Holder: ViennaImprov eV
Reference: WSRS + Your Meetup Name************************************
Cancelllation Policy
If you need to cancel your participation, you can just attend another session, just make sure you make it in time so others can join from the
waiting list(if there is one), otherwise you will lose this "voucher".************************************
Event Description
Step into a world of creativity and growth with our dynamic drop-in class led by seasoned instructor Jim Libby. Each session, we embark on a fresh exploration of acting, improvisation, performance, stage presence, or even the essence of artistic expression.
Whether you’re a seasoned performer or new to the stage, this immersive experience will explore engaging techniques, and experiment with one’s unique artistic voice.
No commitment required – drop in whenever it suits you or attend regularly to deepen your craft. Come be part of a supportive community dedicated to growth and empowerment. See you in class at Re-Actor’s Studio: Where Imagination Meets Expression!