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VlbgWebDev: Shopify Theme Development & Ash Framework

Photo of Daniel Rotter
Hosted By
Daniel R. and Philip H.
VlbgWebDev: Shopify Theme Development & Ash Framework


Explore Shopify Theme Development by Philipp Scambor

Shopify themes reside within the Shopify platform, utilising an adapted version of the Liquid template language alongside classic assets such as CSS and JS to render the frontend. We dive into the practical aspects of effective and organised theme development, demonstrating how a team of developers can collaborate seamlessly. Learn the essentials of local development, pull requests (PRs), and automated deployments. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of a battle tested theme development process.

Ash Framework: Building Apps Made Easy by Barnabas Jovanovics

Get ready to explore the Ash Framework! Discover how Ash makes building apps a breeze with its user-friendly toolkit. Eliminate unnecessary boilerplate code, reduce complexity, and accelerate your progress. See how its declarative, resource-oriented approach allows extensions to build on top of what is already there to extend your application and centralize logic.

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