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Re: [vocalists-151] Fw: The Jubilant Song Awards 2011!!

From: Marshall H.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 8:44 AM
I'm waiting for the Depressed Pessimist Awards.


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 9:32 PM, John Ludwig <[address removed]> wrote:
Here's another year on a contest for your joyous and jubilant material,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Ruth Flores <[address removed]>
To: Allan Herauf <[address removed]>; anne-louise <[address removed]>; Carl Thor <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Caroline Klug & Erik Weberg <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Clay Thompson <[address removed]>; Daniel <[address removed]>; Darrell songwriter <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Jim <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Katelyn JSA contestant <[address removed]>; Kayti Thornton <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Laila Eklund <[address removed]>; Marie <[address removed]>; Mary Davison <[address removed]>; Masha <[address removed]>; Mike Greitzer <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Mindy Dillard <[address removed]>; Mylinda King <[address removed]>; Noah <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Penny Walter <[address removed]>; Phiamma <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Rich <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Saxon <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; sharon <[address removed]>; Sherie <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; "[address removed]" <[address removed]>; Therese Michaudt <[address removed]>; Thomas songwriter <[address removed]>; Tom Sessa <[address removed]>; Will Parnell <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, August 2,[masked]:42:53 PM
Subject: The Jubilant Song Awards 2011!!

Dear Valued Supporters of The American Childhood Enhancement Society,

The Biennial Jubilant Song Awards of 2011 is on!

Entry close date is Sept 30th- there will again be a showcase airing on Cable TV-

and the final event will be in November!

We have a new website address
where you can find more details!

We are all so grateful for your help and participation in our 2009 event -
we hope you will spread the word and get involved again this year.

Song entry fee is $10 and tickets to the final event will be $5- our goal for this year is to
 grow the event!

More details soon...

Hope to see you or hear from you soon!!,

Ruth Flores
Project Director

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This message was sent by John Ludwig ([address removed]) from The Chicago Songwriters Collective Meetup Group.
To learn more about John Ludwig, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]