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New Meetup: MD/NW DC VB@Upper County Comm Ctr., 8201 Emory Grove Rd.

From: Steverino
Sent on: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 5:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The MD/NW DC Volleyball Meetup Group!

What: MD/NW DC VB@Upper County Comm Ctr., 8201 Emory Grove Rd.

When: Thursday, March 4,[masked]:30 PM

Upper County Comm Center
8201 Emory Grove Rd
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Upper County Community Center, 8201 Emory Grove Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

This is a weekly, recurring activity, only impeded by inclement weather, annual two week cleaning closings and acts of God, as it were. So, PLEASE, come out and play....

Even though only a few bother to send RSVPs to this site and scheduled events, there is a regular crew of 8 to 24 players who show up, week after week after week. So, come on down and join us. We have fans to keep players cool, music to move to and general camaraderie, all in all. If you have an iPOD, bring it. We can hook it up to my speakers and blast away some tunes to play volleyball to....

So, check us out and see if we are up to your personal playing standards. What have you got to lose, except a couple pounds and some sweat? You might actually have a good time...........

Hope to see you all out on the courts.................our courts, that is.

Now, if I could JUST find some players to go out afterwards for a couple cold ones to rehydrate, THAT would be lovely. There is a Peruvian chicken place about a mile away at Flower Hill Shopping Center. IF we show up, they will stay open later. THey close around 10 PM, usually. The food is quite good. More RECENTLY, we found a new post volleyball watering hole, Dunmor's Tavern. They are located less than a mile distant from Upper County CC. They have great fries, excellent chicken wings, decent Reuben sandwiches, hearty salads, decent selection of beers, half a dozen or more TVs for sports fans and pleasant waitstaff. They WILL stay open a bit later once they know that we are coming in. Usually, their kitchen closes between 930 and 10 PM. The bar stays open until around midnight during the week.

NOTICE: The house management wants us to stop about 9:20 PM, + or -, to break it all down and put them away. We need to be out the door before 930 PM. Also, ALL of you need to do your part, take down the nets and fold them, carry the VB standards into the store room, lower the BB backboards, lock the two storage rooms...

PLEASE pitch in...............or the house mgmt. will move to curtail our time there, earlier and earlier.


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