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New Meetup: MD/NW DC VB@ Leland Community Center, Bethesda, MD. [masked]

From: Steverino
Sent on: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 5:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The MD/NW DC Volleyball Meetup Group!

What: MD/NW DC VB@ Leland Community Center, Bethesda, MD. [masked]

When: Monday, March 29,[masked]:00 PM

Leland Community Center
4301 Willow Ln
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Leland Community Center, 4301 Willow Lane, Bethesda/Chevy Chase, MD

This is a weekly, recurring activity, only impeded by inclement weather, annual two week cleaning closings and acts of God, as it were. So, PLEASE, come out and play....

This is the ORIGINAL location for the first MD/NW DC VB Meetups from several years ago. We stopped going here due to ongoing issues with court sharing. Things seem to have quieted down so we are back again.

December 1 thru March 15, the hours are contracted to 8:00 to 10 PM, due to County BB games and practices.

From October 26th until December 1st, then, Leland/Lawton CC is open for pick up VB on MOndays from 6 PM until 10 PM. Let's USE this space until December 1st, at least.......

After March 22nd of 2010, the hours at Leland CC revert back to SIX PM until TEN PM.

Please RSVP so we know how many to expect to join us. Come on, you guys. We can fill this place with up to 24 total players, counting in the ten or so already there weekly. See you there.

So, check us out and see if we are up to your personal playing standards. What have you got to lose, except a couple pounds and some sweat? You might actually have a good time.....Hope to see you all out on the courts.....our courts, that is.

Speaking of which, I do suggest that with two courts that we play winners from each court and so on all evening long. Playing the same players over and over again may not be as entertaining as switching up. Just a suggestion for you all to consider.

Now, if I could JUST find some players to go out afterwards for a couple cold ones to rehydrate, THAT would be lovely. Any suggestions for nearby watering holes will be entertained. Rock Bottom Brewery and Union Jack's used to have MONDAY night specials.....

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