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New Meetup: Tuesday Evening, Sept 14th Outdoor V-ball Meetup

From: Mark N.
Sent on: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 9:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Great Pasadena Volleyball Club!

What: Tuesday Evening, Sept 14th Outdoor V-ball Meetup

When: Tuesday, September 14,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Victory Park
2575 Paloma Street
Pasadena, CA 91107


1. Receive serve
2. Pass to setter
3. Spike!
4. And last but not least, HAVE FUN!

NOTE: The V-ball meetup usually plays on the large grass field in back of the children's playground area. However, if the youth sports practices take-up this area, we will move to the grass field
in back of the gym or on the west side of the park along Altadena Dr. Be on the lookout for an orange-colored V-ball net. Parking is available in the main lot off of Paloma St. in front of the gym.

Field lights are now going off at 9:00 PM

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