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REMINDER: Do It Yourself Session at DARCARS Volvo

From: David
Sent on: Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 9:16 PM
Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that late registration is ongoing for the DIY at  
DARCARS Volvo in Rockville this Saturday, August 4th. We still have  
four slots left, so if you have any work to do on your car before a  
last-gasp August vacation, this is the time to do it. (And for those  
who dread the idea of working in a hot garage in August weather,  
DARCARS' garage is air-conditioned.) Get your registration in by  
PayPal ASAP to make sure you're on the list!

The online calendar link for the DIY is here: https://www.meetup...­

Also, I wanted to bring everyone's attention to a small policy matter.  
As you've probably noticed in the announcements, registration for the  
DIYs has always been on a pre-registration basis. Occasionally we have  
accommodated members who ask to show up and pay on the day of the  
event, when there are extenuating circumstances. Unfortunately, one  
person recently chose to abuse the club's good faith by asking for  
this, showing up at the DIY, and then did not pay the admission but  
still drove in and took a lift. After trying to work with that member  
and get them to pay both at the DIY and then for a month afterwards,  
with no cooperation from that member, we were forced to eject them  
from the Meetup list and go back to pre-registration only.  So if you  
find out on the night before that you can make it to a DIY, by all  
means pay by PayPal and come on down. But make sure that you are pre- 
registered and on the OD's list if you want to participate in the  
DIY.  Sorry to do this folks, but unfortunately this is what happens  
when one person takes a good thing and messes it up for everyone else!

Hope everyone's having a good summer! Have a good rest of the week.
