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Moon walk on Aug 13

From: Mike
Sent on: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 2:27 PM



First, please note that our paddling trip to the Delaware River this weekend (Aug 5 – 8) is full. The trip also means that I will be out of town and not be very communicative Fri through Mon. (I saw that smirk!)


Second, our first Wilderness First Aid course did sell out. (But I never sell out.) If you had wanted to go, but were too late, we are repeating it on Aug 27-28. Check the calendar and make sure you register (not RSVP!) early at I had rated this at 3.2 band aids, but it’s more like 3.6 Ace bandages. For an idea of what it’s like, see


And now, for the main business at hand…


Next (not this) Saturday, August 13, is our annual excursion to the top of Shenandoah National Park (SNP) to watch the sunset and moonrise with a glorious view of the park (weather permitting), while taking part in a scrumptious pot-luck dinner (stomach permitting). Pictures from previous years’ versions are at






The Hike: The 9-mile hike (3.5 blisters or moderate/difficult) will start in the afternoon and climb via a circuitous route at a moderate pace to the top of Hawksbill Mountain, the park’s highest peak (4051 ft), arriving in time for the celestial show. We’ll visit three overlooks – Betty’s Rock, Crescent Rock, and Spitler Knoll – on the way to the summit and use them as appetizer stops. We’ll descend after dinner in the moonlight (aided by flashlights), so that we finish well before turning into pumpkins.


The Food: You are invited to bring food (prepared or bought by you) to share–a main dish, side dish or salad, dessert, or appetizer. Try to have the food reflect your family’s heritage. The tablecloth, candlelight, and plastic and paper ware will be provided. Dinner is rated 2.1 – 3.6 burps, depending on how much and what you eat, not counting appetizers.


Other highlights (in case you needed more):

-         An optional stop on the way to SNP at a fruit and vegetable stand that happens to sell homemade ice cream.

-         A possible aerial show by the peregrine falcons of the nearby cliff that could put us in a fowl mood.

-         An optional visit to Skyland’s café for a night re-cap, possibly accompanied by music.


This is an SCPRO & AMC-DC event. This hike has a limit on the number of “luna”tics (i.e., participants), so you must let me ([address removed]) know directly if you would like to come and how many if any you are bringing with you. (If you’ve already let me know, you may want to confirm.) I’ll email information about the carpool meeting time (which will be around noon) and location (Vienna Metro station), as well as suggestions for what to bring, next Wednesday (maybe even Thursday if time goes by fast). If you have questions, let me know.


Check out the upcoming events below. There are almost too many for one email message, but I’ll try to squeeeeze it in. Note that a lot of these events have a limited attendance, so they need RSVPs (directly to me, NOT Meetup). What are you waiting for?







Sun. Aug. 21. 2-6 pm. Basic Backpacking Gear & Food Class. Limited attendance; $20 payment (check or PayPal) reserves your spot. For more info, contact Liz ([address removed]).


Sat.-Sun. Aug. 27-28, 8 am-6 pm. Wilderness First Aid (WFA). To register, visit


Sun. Sept. 11, 5:30-9 pm. Class on Planning a Backpacking Trip. Limited attendance; $20 payment (check or PayPal) reserves your spot. For more info, contact Liz ([address removed]).


Fri.-Sun. Sept. 16-18. Beginner Backpacking Trip - Loft Mountain/Doyle’s River Area, SNP. (2.5 blisters, moderate) With waterfalls galore, designed so beginner can practice carrying full pack and gain experience with backpacking skills: one night in campground and one night in backcountry. Limited attendance, and b/p classes’ students get first dibs. $20 payment (check or PayPal) reserves your spot. For more info, contact Liz ([address removed]).


Sat. Sept. 24. Calvert Cliffs State Park. Fairly easy hike in one of the more unusual parks in the area, with a fanciful, fossil-full sandy beach.


Fri.-Sun. Sep. 30-Oct. 2. Sierra Club Virginia Chapter’s Annual Gathering. A weekend of fun activities and great food at Prince William Forest Park. Check for updates and registration form.


Sun. Oct. 16. Paddling the Anacostia River Water Trail. More info to come, but limited attendance, so contact me ASAP to reserve.


Sat. Oct. 22. Sugarloaf Mountain Loop. Moderate (3.2 blisters) hike to popular nearby hiking venue with great views of the area in its full fall glory.


Sun. Oct. 23. Fall General Meeting of Sierra Club Potomac Region Outings. Features discussions of issues and upcoming events, and special presentations. Leaders, prospective leaders, participants of SCPRO outings, you, and the public are invited. Contact me for more info and directions.


Wed.-Sun. Oct. 26-30. Hiking the Lower Hudson Valley. [masked] blisters, moderate-difficult) Hiking heaven with spectacular views during peak fall foliage. Three days of hiking, and one of sightseeing, staying in stone cottages in Bear Mountain State Park, NY. Space is limited and deposit is required, so ask me for more info now.

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