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Sheer Lunacy (I)

From: Mike
Sent on: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 10:06 AM



This Saturday, July 19, we?ll reprise our fifth (I think) annual hike for the lunatic fringe. (Yes, it's a fringe benefit.)


We?ll climb in the afternoon via a circuitous route to the top of Hawksbill Mountain, which at 4,051 feet is Shenandoah National Park's highest peak. The route includes several scenic overlooks, which we?ll use to savor our appetizers along with the views. We?ll then get to the very top in time to watch the sun set and the moon rise as part of a spectacular celestial and earthly panorama, while we enjoy a gourmet pot-luck picnic by candlelight! Some may bay and howl, while others will burp--all perfectly normal on this hike. The walk back down the mountain will occur in (not with) moonshine, stopping at the Skyland Resort's lodge to visit its lively musical caf? for a night-recap. We should return to the DC meeting place just before (hopefully) we turn into pumpkins around midnight.


This is a moderately difficult hike (3 blisters) of about 9 miles & 3000 feet of elevation change. If that (ahem) phases you, a somewhat shorter option is available. We?ll leave early in the afternoon, making a brief stop at a Sperryville fruit and vegetable stand. The co-leaders are Paul Elliott and me. If the weather is uncooperative, the hike will be rescheduled for another near-full-moon date, August 16.


Note that this hike has a limit for the number of participants, but there are still a few ?seats? left. To those interested (RSVP directly to me at [address removed]), we?ll email information about the carpool meeting time and location (somewhere just west of the Beltway in Virginia), as well as suggestions for what to bring, by tomorrow. (If you are already on the list, no need to RSVP.) If you have questions, let me know.






Up & down coming events:


- July 27: Gunpowder Falls

- Aug 19: Sheer Lunacy (II)

- Aug 28-Sep 1: WV Wonders (sold out)

- Sep,etc: Stay tuned