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The long and short of it

From: Mike
Sent on: Thursday, April 10, 2014, 9:01 AM


This Saturday, Apr 12, there will be two concurrent hike options – short (moderate/difficult) and long (more difficult) – along the C&O Canal to Harpers Ferry, with a turn-around point at the Bolivar Community Center, the One Day Hike's end point. Both options are at your own pace. The weather promises again to behave itself and be its beautiful self.

The route affords (you don’t have to be rich) some of the most beautiful views of the Potomac, and of birds, other wildlife, and flora (I almost forgot about pretty flora), all far for the madding crowd’s ignoble strife. You’ll also get to spend some time in beautiful historic Harpers Ferry, toughen your feet, lose weight, and maybe learn how to deal with adversity. And the frozen custard! My God, the frozen custard! (Not my last stand.)

Long Option: Long hikers – the (ahem) well-heeled among us – will start at Point of Rocks and hike to Harpers Ferry and back (28mi; 5.8 blisters), with the option of going up to 4.2mi past the start before returning (for up to 36.4mi; 7.3 blisters!). To carpool, meet in the parking lot along the towpath at Point of Rocks ( by 8:15am. Mike Gingerich will lead this one on his bike because he is sane.

Short Option: Short hikers will start at Brunswick and hike to Harpers Ferry and back (14.2mi; 2.8 blisters), with the option of going past, in the other direction for up to 21mi (4.2 blisters). We’ll in the parking lot near the towpath under the MD17 bridge in Brunswick ( by 10 am. I will lead (or follow, depending on how fast you walk) this one.

Directions to both meeting locations are below. Bring a bag lunch (or buy at HF) and drink. For problems on hike day, try my cell phone [masked]).

This hike (both options) is part of a series of training hikes to prepare for the One Day Hike on April 26, but everyone is welcome, regardless of your plans for doing the One Day Hike.

If you’d like to RSVP, feel free to do that here: Here are photos of last year’s hike:

If you missed our last, last-minute, two-loop hike to far away Rock Creek Park, here are some photos:


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