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Big day and, yes, we're still looking

From: Mike
Sent on: Thursday, April 17, 2014, 9:00 AM



The Big/Long Day is coming next (not this) Saturday. It’s easily (actually, “hardly”) the longest event of the year. I know that many of you will be doing the One Day Hike (which sounds like a dance when you say it like that), so I wanted to wish you good luck. I will see you at either 3 am or 10 am or many other times that day. Registration has closed, of course, so if you were considering it and didn’t get in, keep it in mind for next year.


If you’re not doing the dance, why miss out on all the fun? We are still looking for people throughout the day to volunteer a few hours to man (or woman) support stations or to provide first aid. If you’re interested, and who wouldn’t be, please contact me. The hikers will love you for it, you will love you for it, and I did say please, so you have no excuse.


Photos from our last Saturday’s hike, which happens to be the longest (up to 36 mi) ODH training hike:

Just for the fun of it, here are looong photo albums of the last two years’ ODHs: (2012) and (2013).


That’s it from me. (Yeah!) It’ll be a busy couple of weeks, so you may not hear from me for a while. (More Yeah!) But I’ll still be lurking around and there are many things coming up as you can see below. (Even more Yeah!)





- Sunday, May 11, Beginner Backpacking Class: Gear & Food.

Registration required, but RSVP at


- May 24 -31, Acadia NP, Maine: Hiking Vacation.

Sorry, but this one is full.


- June 7 – 8, Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Certification Course.

Registration required, but RSVP at


- June 15, Beginner Backpacking Class: Planning a B/P Trip.

Registration required, but RSVP at


- June 27-29, Beginner Backpacking Trip.

Registration required, but RSVP at


- July 27, Plant Walk on Wildcat Mountain (1.4 blisters, easy). Rescheduled from that bad last December.