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Happy New Year...Hike!

From: Mike
Sent on: Sunday, December 28, 2014, 2:46 PM


For the 41th time, hikers (and non) will gather in Georgetown to start a new year by hiking on New Year’s Day. (For the mathematically challenged, that’s January 1.) I haven’t done this hike 41 times, but maybe I will. (I have to update this stupid number every year.) Anyway, you can join us this year…I mean, next year, for this traditional way to work off some of the holiday cheer, if you know what I mean. And if you know what I mean, let me know what I mean. The hike will give you a good start on that resolution you made. (I know you made it.) The forecast if for cold & sunny weather.

We’ll walk along the C&O Canal about five miles to the Little Falls Pump Station, and back. You can walk at your own pace (and shoes) and turn around sooner (or later) if you want to do less (or more) than 10 miles (2 blisters). Since it’s a big group, walking at your pace is a good thing, especially if you are nursing a headache.
And if you are so inclined, you may also join some of us for après-hike fare at one (maybe two) of the many nearby eateries.

It’s real easy. We’ll meet at 10 am on the west side of Wisconsin Avenue, NW, south of M Street. There is a small plaza just south of 1066 Wisconsin Avenue ( and next to and above the canal. There should be quite a crowd there; if not, you can start one. Note that street parking is conveniently free on New Year’s Day. Bring snacks or lunch and water, or leftover holiday treats. Oh, yeah—It’s OK to bring a leashed pet, presumably, yours.

RSVP here:

Photo albums of previous happy New Years:
— 2014:
— 2013:
— 2012:
— 2011:

Here are the pix from our other holiday (Christmas) hike:
(By the way, photo albums of all our past wanderings are at

2014 has been terrific year for outdoor (& indoor) stuff, and the end of it is a good time for a little assessment, perspective, introspection, & inventory:

- How much wandering you’re wondering? We walked 13023 person-miles and took over[masked] person-steps.
- We broke the 1500-member milestone for the first time. I’m not worried, however, because many always leave each time I send out an email.
- We lost 14 hikers but found 15 hikers, some of whom were the same; others have never been the same.
- There were 1386 whines (although I missed many), 28349 groans, 413 formal complaints (down from 528), and 75 nasty emails (up from previous high 68), and 1 response. (I have my limits.)
- We lost 12012 person-pounds and gained 12013 person-pounds.
- We drank 412 gallons (water, whatever).

My New Year resolution: Not to eat on an empty stomach.

Wishing you a wander-full New Year!

Cheers (but not too much),

On deck:

- Paint Branch Trail, Sat, Jan 10: A 10-mile (or less) hike (easy-mod or 2 blisters). See[masked]/ for more info and to RSVP.