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Oct 18th First Meetup!!!!

From: Matt
Sent on: Sunday, October 5, 2008, 10:31 AM
Hey Guys & Gals,

With the upcoming meeting on the 18th, we need to pick a location that works for the majority. I am looking for ideas/input on possible locations.

At the present time I am aiming for Eau Claire Market Downtown, Chinook Center Mall, or a Switchbox Lanning Cafe..

Anywho I HIGHLY encurage all of you to log onto the site ( ) and post on the Message Board your suggestion for possible venues. Please also include if you prefer the meetup location to be close to a train station or whatnot... Depending on your location and the venue we choose I maybe able to provide a ride...

Looking forward to meeting everyone,


Rumak (Holy Priest) Armory Link On Runetotem Server

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