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Purposeful life according to the Bible and not only...

Photo of dariuszwit
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Purposeful life according to the Bible and not only...


When you're uncertain about the destination you're sailing towards, any wind can seem unfavorable.


Have you determined your desired destination?

Do you possess a clear course to navigate there?

Are you observing progress along your path to achieving your goal?

Perhaps you're already on the correct route, yet you're encountering challenging headwinds?

If any of these questions resonate with you, I extend an invitation for you to come aboard ⛵ for our gatherings in the series: "Purposeful Life and the Bible."

In our initial phase, we'll embark on a journey through successive chapters of the Book of Ecclesiastes. During these meetings, we'll engage in discussions, conversations, humorous exchanges, and the sharing of insights and experiences.

How does the notion of "vanity of vanities, all is vanity" relate to life's purpose? Is there a connection at all? We will convene to explore and discover. 😁

What can you expect to gain from this experience?

- A fresh gust of wind in your sails!

- The opportunity to connect with genuine, like-minded individuals and establish relationships.

- A broader perspective on everyday matters.

- A more profound engagement with the teachings of the Bible.

- Be prepared for the possibility that someone might offer a prayer on your behalf.

WARNING‼ Active participation significantly heightens the likelihood of becoming more purpose-driven 😱 and reaching your intended destination. 😎

Who is this for?

- There are no age restrictions.

- There are no industry restrictions.

- There are no religious restrictions.

- There are no worldview restrictions.

- This opportunity is open to those who possess a sincere interest in the subject matter.

What are the guiding principles?

- Embrace an open-mindedness towards differing viewpoints.

- Prompt arrival is expected.

- Our focus is on sharing, not merely taking.

- Kindly confirm your attendance by selecting "I will attend" at the latest, the day prior to the event.

- In case of a change in plans, please update your status in the event as "I won't attend."

- The voyage will commence if a minimum of 4 participants are on board.

What should you bring with you?

- Your presence and enthusiasm.

- Invite your friends to join.

- Bring along your copy of the Bible.

- It would be beneficial to have read the designated chapter at least once.

Our voyage sets sail this upcoming Thursday at 6:00 PM, with our sails lowered at 7:30 PM (CET).

We shall navigate together to our destination via the following link:

Now, the pivotal question: Will you be joining our crew? ❓❓❓

Wishing you smooth sailing with favorable winds, 💨

Darek and Dominika

PS. It's time to select your desired port!

Photo of Warsaw Bible Discussion Group group
Warsaw Bible Discussion Group
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Every week on Thursday

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