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What we’re about

Water Cooled Volkswagen Enthusiasts (WCWVE)

In between the air cooled VWs and the new EVs lies the almighty water cooled VW. The WCVW ushered in many automotive trends such as the hot hatch with the GTI, the sleeper performance sedan with the Jetta GLI, many advancements in turbo technology and other drivetrain designs, and unique engineering. In the end, these cars regardless of model are overall zippy, have good tight handling, and are overall fun to drive. In other words, Fahrvergnugen.

What we are about:
If you have a passion for the water cooled era of Volkswagen and own at least one here in the Orange County/LA area, join up and share the passion! The goal of this group is to meet and gather with owners of all vintage (old and new) water cooled Volkswagens to hang out and talk about our sweet rides, do and plan activities such as gatherings at parks/beaches/shopping, attending some car shows with our cars, plan drive outings, etc.

Attending events of course isn’t required to be a member since the online discussion board will be another resource for members to get tips, or ask for/give advice for our/your car. However, attending events will be a way to get to know others that share your interest!

The goal will be to meet about once a month for general get-togethers as noted above. Events would be posted in the Meetup events area of this group and we will often solicit fellow members for ideas.

Founding members:
As you can see, this is a new group! The first 12 people to join will be considered "founding members". The founding members will meet in the future to elect the leadership team who will then plan group by-laws, and other group related coordination. The 12 founding members will retain their "founding member" status for as long as they remain members. If any founding member leaves the group, the group member with the next oldest group seniority will fill that founding member's spot.

Since the group is new, there are currently no dues or fees. As the group grows, and if group activities start to incur costs for the management of the group, there could be dues or fees planned at a future time. Any plan to enact dues/fees would be a voted decision by the leadership team at that time.

Water Cooled Volkswagen Enthusiasts (WCVW) currently has no affiliations with any group or businesses.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events