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Reminder: DC WHRAT Meeting on Trafficking Tonight!

From: Erica M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 6, 2007, 11:50 AM

Come to DC WHRAT's General Meeting to learn how to fight Trafficking

When: This Thursday, Sept. 6th, at 6:30pm
Where: Amnesty International USA (600 Penn Ave SE, 5th Floor)
Metro: Eastern Market
We will talk about what is human trafficking and how we, as local activists, can fight it. In addition to talking about Amnesty International's work on human trafficking, Erica Morgan, the group's junior coordinator, will talk about her paper on the human trafficking of domestic workers, specifically Indonesian domestic workers.
For more information, please email Erica at [address removed]

DC WHRAT's Mission

The DC Women's Human Rights Action Team is a volunteer group of Amnesty International USA activists dedicated to defending and advancing women's human rights on a local, national and international level.

Women's Human Rights and Amnesty International

The DC Women's Human Rights Action Team takes its lead from the Amnesty International USA Women's Rights Program, especially the Campaign to Stop Violence against Women. To learn more about international women's human rights and the abuses that we are fighting together, check out the AIUSA Women's Rights Program.

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