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Zika virus and toxic Naled (Dibrom) pesticide spraying

From: Chris S.
Sent on: Monday, September 19, 2016, 11:44 PM
Because of the recent spraying of populated areas with the toxic pesticide, Naled (Dibrom), as a means of killing Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that may carry Zika virii, vital information follows. Please don't hesitate to send it to others, call in to talk shows with it, and cite it at city council and county commission meetings:
There's no convincing evidence the 1947-patented Zika causes microcephaly. • Brazil admits Zika is not causing birth defects | By Samantha Debbie, September 14, 2016: • Bombshell: Zika fraud leads to mosquito spraying and autism | By Jon Rappoport, August 13, 2016: More at Jon Rappoport's other site, • The pesticide, Naled, causes autism, paralysis, death, etc.: Forced medication and experimentation is contrary the Nuremberg Principles. Destroying a resource needed by a civilian population -- air and pollenators needed for food production in this case -- is a war crime and crime against humanity contrary the prohibitions of the Nuremberg Principles, Hague Conventions, Geneva Conventions, and Helsinki Rules. • Got informed consent? Pesticide Sprayed Over Wynwood Is Banned in Europe, May Also Harm Fetuses | By Jerry Iannelli, August 10, 2016: • Zika spraying kills millions of honeybees | By Sandee LaMotte, CNN, September 2, 2016: • Naled goes by another infamous name, Dibrom: • Oxitec's genetically-modified, allegedly sterile Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes do indeed have a survival rate up to 15% if the larvae are in the presence of tetracycline so often used prophylactically in animal feed: and Thus, the mosquitoes live to spread Zika, Dengue, and who knows what else.
Take Great Care,
- Chris Steiner