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What we’re about

We Are Artists Community is a non-profit association that provides a supportive, creative and collaborative space for artists of all abilities and ambitions in the UK and the world.

All artists and creative people are welcome, working in any medium, at any level.

For many, being an artist can be solitary – so we aim to offer solidarity, inspiration, creative challenges and ultimately the chance to work, create and succeed together.

Our sessions are a mix of innovative, therapeutic and unique zoom and in-studios art workshops, classes and talks, that include meditation, soundscape and film-making, upcycling and nature, and many more things. We also offer unique and diverse art trips and social meet ups...

We focus on the joys and challenges of creativity but also the reality of being an artist. How to sell your art, and where? Studio costs? Material costs, free resources, financial help, the list is endless… We also offer the chance to make real, working connections and friendships with other creative people, socialise, have fun and make some art.

Take a look at the fantastic artworks from previous sessions at

All fees and funds go back into the running of the community and to help support its members. For more info, to donate, or see our member benefits, check out our website,

Any questions? Send a message to

A warm welcome to We Are Artists Community

Upcoming events (3)

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