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Re: [webperf] Switching to pre-moderation

From: Sergey C.
Sent on: Sunday, August 28, 2011, 11:23 AM
Well, Meetup is hosting everything for the group and doesn't just provide hosting.
I think I can handle low traffic no problem.


On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Bruce Ingalls <[address removed]> wrote:
Does Meetup allow you to redirect mail?
If so, I recommend setting up Procmail, Milter, or similar, to catch all mail, that does not have a [.*] tag at the start.
Anyone submitting mail with such a tag under false pretenses, would be booted from the group.
This should reduce your work load.
HTH, Bruce

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Sergey Chernyshev <[address removed]> wrote:
Guys, I apologize for this spam that was sent to the list earlier. Author is banned from the group.

My goal is to not let this list become a spam outlet for various web-tech related abusers like shameless marketers or recruiters so we usually partnering with conferences and promoters to sponsor the group and only in cases when Web Performance is spelled out clearly in the emails.

It is particularly bad if emails are being sent after I didn't approve the partnership.

I'm switching mailing list to pre-moderation - will add a bit to my work load, but hope it'll make less spam in your inboxes!


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Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Bruce Ingalls ([address removed]) from New York Web Performance Group.
To learn more about Bruce Ingalls, visit his/her member profile

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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