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Re: [webdesign-523] Topics & Speaker for May 4th Meeting

From: Brad W.
Sent on: Sunday, May 3, 2015, 9:38 PM
Hi Dilsah, I was actually going to go, I know I haven't seen you all in forever :). I can fill in for sublime and gulp
Brad Westfall
On 5/3/15 9:37 PM, Joel Flint wrote:
Hey guys,

Unfortunately, I won't be able make it anymore. So sorry guys! But it looks like you got a good amount of cool topics to talk about.

Joel Flint
// Stimuli Media

On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 8:11 PM, Dilsah <[address removed]> wrote:

There are some great topic ideas to share. Here is what we have collected so far.  

Sublime Text and Gulp - Joel Flint
Drupal - Michael Sypes
.NET MVC database driven AZURE hosted application - Christie (we do have AV but it is VGA so you might need a converter unless others are bringing it along.) 
Docker as CaaS - Steven Douglas
Designing on paper with some colored pencils - Ryan Allen (yes, Ryan I think this would be really interesting. If you can bring a sketched design and then bring the final product and tell us your process).
Share any browser tools and plugins - Jason Tennat to lead.

Did I get it all?  So here is the plan. There is no plan. Just show up with what you have and let's have some fun. Plan for 10 minutes + questions for those that need a plan. ; )

Does this sound good to everyone? If you can't make it tomorrow night it's alright. For those that can and want to participate please post your topic on the meetup. 


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