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Thanks for a great weekend

From: Tom L.
Sent on: Thursday, September 8, 2011, 9:25 PM

Hi All,

Just want to extend a thank you all that came up this past weekend and a special thanks to George for running many of the hikes.  We ened up with a couple of guests joing the club as full members - I think we have some great additions to the club.  All are welcome to come back up as guests, during the winter we have people up every weekend but during the Fall it will depend on the weekend.  The next event weekends at the club include

Columbus Day weekend

Halloween Weekend

Thanksgiving Weekend

All weekend will include some outdoor activities such as hiking but the social side of things will really kick into gear.  For Halloween we will host a party with about 70 staying at the house and 200 attending a costume party.

These events will be added to Meetup soon.  For Local events Monday will start our "Ski Fitness Training" in Waltham.  Training is free and lead by our club ski coach.  You do not have to be a racer or even a skier to attend but it is a great way to get in shape for the season. For more details check out:


keep in touch,



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