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Pub Quiz at the Old Bailey

Photo of Jacqi B
Hosted By
Jacqi B. and 2 others
Pub Quiz at the Old Bailey


Come and have some fun at The Old Bailey's quiz night. You don't have to be clever or all-knowing, just happy to join in the fun. Although you'll be surprised at what you do know and, although there are bar tabs to be won, we go along for the fun of it. If we are not placed our favourite position is 'not last!' If we come second to last we win a gnome.

Our table is booked from 5.30pm.
The quiz starts at 6.30pm so try to be at the table by 6pm so we can get settled with drinks and/or food before the quiz starts.

The venue has a phone app you can use to order food and drink and earn points to redeem for credit. However, we can't use our phones during rounds. So, order before we get round one and between handing in our answer sheets for one round and the next round starting. For the rest of the time, phones must either be put away or be face down on the table. You can also order at the bar and use the app there to get your points.

'The Pen Principle': There are 8 rounds and everyone gets a turn at writing the answers for a round. We can all suggest answers but the person with the pen makes the decision on what to put for our answer. We've found this works well as sometimes people don't speak up and are not heard until they say "but I said that!"

Note: We've been quizzing for some time and have a one man who is a regular on our team. He'll be coming as 'plus 1' of the hosts. If anyone attending has a male partner or friend who'd like to come too, feel free to add them as your plus 1.

A note about the waitlist: Please only put your name on the waitlist if you actually want to come. If your plans change and you can no longer come if a place becomes available, please remove yourself from the wait list. A place often becomes available as late as the day before the quiz. If you are the next up but don't want the available place, you are stopping the next person on the list from coming.

A note about guests: If you wish to bring a guest or +1 with you, please contact the hosts to check whether there will be space available on your chosen date.

Photo of Welly Women group
Welly Women
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The Old Bailey
101 Lambton Quay · Wellington