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What we’re about

Do you enjoy the history of a place, or the land that surrounds you? Do you like to know what happened there, and do the stories you hear, about strange things that people have witnessed intrigue you? Do you wonder what that noise was in the next room, or how in the world that plane crashed in that tiny field, and everyone walked away? If you like those things, you enjoy researching history, and you like the challenge of getting to a place by whatever means, IE: hiking, kayaking or boating to it, and then maybe hanging out over-night, this may be for you. The history of places and events can disappear if not preserved, so, we could add to community simply by research. I have a variety of good equipment, like drones, an underwater drone, a boat, etc. and I really enjoy these things. The point is to pick a project, do the research, investigate the site, research some more, then publish a WELL THOUGHT OUT, edited and documented piece on what we did, to include pictures and video, even if it's only for our own edification. This would be something you could take seriously and be proud to put your name on. I'm in reasonably good shape, but I'm not in my mid-twenties anymore, so, any physical requirements would be minimal. Rather, I am looking for some folks that are tech savvy enough to help me put together a nice project, to include computer work, for whatever location we pick. You would need to like the outdoors and be able to spend enough time to actually help with an investigation/ research/ put together the end product. In other words, this is "active", or to put it another way "operational". I'm the only member at this point, so, hurry and you could be number two. With all due respect, I'm not looking to have a seance, or sit around going "Oh my God!" at every little noise, like on some popular shows you may have seen. Even though I do believe there are unexplained things out there and I want to believe in even more, I want to form an actual written charter, seriously research a topic, and see what we find, and document it, even if it's nothing more than some good history and an interesting place. I would want to start out with a location close to Pensacola, then branch out. It may start out as a monthly thing and then quickly move to something weekly, we'll see. The weather is getting nicer, time to get up and get out!

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