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Membership Dues for Meetup

From: Bill F.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 9:17 AM

Hello Fellow Humanists,


I hope all of you are well.  I send out this email because I am concerned about the meetup group. It seems only a very few (3) members are paying the monthly dues.  I don't think this is fair to those members considering no one else is paying.  We don't actually get the entire $2.00.  After fees from WePay, we receive around 60% of the $2.00.

I cannot keep this group running without the help and generosity of you folks.

Since we are young group, coming up on our 1 year anniversary, it is tough to acquire venues and speakers for special events.  We simply do not have any funding.   And, I can no longer afford to pay out of pocket for these types of events.   These monthly member dues help pay for online sites for the Camden County Humanists.  (including Meetup and our Main Website)

Having these sites increase our visibility and help promote the group and it's events.

The yearly memberships ($20) will go into an account under our group name and the funds will be used for special events like summer picnics, guest speaker expenses and marketing tools to gain members.

I thank you for your understanding in this matter.



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