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What we’re about

We are a friendly group of single people aged 60 years and over, who live in or around Weston-super-Mare, and enjoy eating out and meeting/getting to know people at the same time.

Our meals are always limited to a maximum of 6 people, so they have something of a 'dinner party' feel to them. So if you enjoy eating out in congenial company then please join our group - you will be very welcome!

A 'Single' person for the purposes of membership of this group is someone who:

  1. Does not live with their partner,
  2. Is not part of a 'couple' regardless of their living arrangements.

Any member found to have misled the group about this when completing the application form, will be removed from the group.

Members are free to attend as many, or as few, of our events as they wish.

This is a new group, launched mid-February 2024. New members will pay a £5 joining fee. All members will pay an annual £5 membership fee due 1st March each year, starting in the calendar year after joining. For example:

  • Join from launch until 31 December 2024, first annual membership fee will be due 1 March 2025
  • Join from 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2025, first annual membership fee will start 1 March 2026.

All fees will be used to pay Meetup charges which allow us to use the website. The group will always be non-profit making, and any excess of fees collected over Meetup charges will be reimbursed to the whole membership in the form of reduced annual membership fees, when enough excess has been collected.

All members must upload a photo to their Meetup profile that clearly identifies them, which must remain on their profile throughout their membership. This is for security purposes, and to ensure that members can identify each other.

The group and its events are managed entirely on-line via the website, so all members must be computer-proficient and have their own on-line access.

We expect everyone in the group to treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times. Any form of abuse, whether verbal, in writing, or on-line will result in loss of membership.

Members are encouraged to organise their own events, catering for no more than 8 people - just ask the Group Organiser who will talk you through the process.

Membership of the group does not include insurance, and the group and its organisers will accept no responsibility for any loss or injury experienced while attending our events.

The Group Organiser reserves the right to refuse or delete membership when appropriate.