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Dames Caves and Lizzie Heart Sink Loop Trail

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Dames Caves and Lizzie Heart Sink Loop Trail


This is a Group Favorite, Dames Caves and Lizzie Heart Sink Loop Trail near Floral City, Florida. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, the 1st Caves are about a mile in and will be the first stop to take pictures and explore. After that we will do a minimum 7 miles hike. The Caves are alone are worth the trip, but additionally there is some elevation.

I recommend comfortable walking/hiking shoes, Deep Woods bug spray, sunscreen, fluids for hydration, snacks/food, and your spirit of adventure and fellowship, but we do live by the creed "Hike Your Way"...About midway in the hike we take a snack break...Be ready to get fresh air, exercise, engage in diverse conversations, and make some new Connections!!

If you need to cancel, PLEASE change your RSVP from "YES" to "NO". We realize things can change and it's not a big deal if you change your RSVP. Thank you...If you arrive late, now worries, just Call JAP3 @(689) 203-5116 for location of the Group...JAP...

Photo of What's the Motto...Hikers Hike! group
What's the Motto...Hikers Hike!
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Dames Cave Unofficial Parking
10701 S Lecanto Hwy · Lecanto, FL
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