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What we’re about

Have you ever known the truth of something that was just outside your grasp to fully integrate and then it suddenly clicked?

If you haven’t, wouldn’t you love to?

It happened to me!

Throughout my life I have always connected with science. I loved the things that could be proven; things that I could see. AND I kept experiencing things that couldn’t be explained. As an adult, I became a fulltime wildlife biologist and wildland firefighter and even in that role, I constantly experienced an inner knowing about what would best serve the animals and our planet. I didn’t realize that I was using my intuitive gifts in those moments. I vacillated between thinking everyone was like me and that something was wrong with me and the sense that there was more, just outside my reach, never left. Until, over the last decade, as I began to step into my gifts, I realized that EVERYTHING was within my grasp.

Because of my lifelong affinity for all creatures, I have honed my gifts to provide services to all. I bridge the language gap between owners and their beloved animals, as well as provide physical healing and relief of anxiety and trauma.
This MeetUp will focus on allowing you to…
• Move into what is real and true for you
• Gain clarity through Intuitive Facilitation
• Surrender old dogma, doctrine, imprinting and programming
• Unlock the gifts that you were born to enjoy
• Connect with loved ones who are no longer in the physical body
• Discover methods to support you in your health and happiness
• Clear energetic connections to experiences and people in current or past lives
Bringing this awareness and this freedom to others is my calling and my distinct privilege.

Why do people try to fit themselves in a box that was never meant for them?
As a scientific psychic, I know what it’s like to not fit into any box!
As a former wildlife biologist of endangered species, I use my super analytical skills alongside my keen intuitive gifts to help my clients make tremendous foundational changes in their mindset, behaviors, and relationships. I use these same skills for my animal clients too as an Animal Communicator.

I have been breaking through limiting beliefs my whole life. From being told that my career working with endangered species was virtually impossible, to healing after multiple traumatic brain injuries when people told me I would have to live in a care facility, I am a living miracle. Overcoming narcissistic and relationship abuse, and healing deep trauma, I use the tools I share with my clients to be happy and have amazing relationships, while living my purpose.

I want you to know anything is possible!

Connect with me at:, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.