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What is the most egregious flaw in the United States constitution?

Photo of Philip Bitar
Hosted By
Philip B.


(The date and time are dummy values to be updated when the meeting is scheduled.)

235 years ago in 1789, James Madison wrote a draft of what would become amendment 10 of the United States constitution. Amendment 10 vests the states with powers not delegated to the federal government, but amendment 10 provides the states no means for checking federal expansion into these powers.

I show that, in making this draft, Madison ignored principles for checks that he had expressed in Federalist articles during the prior year of 1788. I show that Madison's own Federalist principles imply that Madison's draft of amendment 10 would be useless in achieving the goal of preventing the federal government from encroaching into state powers.

I propose an amendment that provides an effective state check on federal power.

Madison's failure in drafting amendment 10 is the reason that Texas is legally powerless to contend with the federal government over keeping illegal aliens out of the state.

In the meeting, I will present these ideas for discussion.

Reference: Philip Bitar, The Second American Revolution, Edition 2 (2022), article 13.1

Meeting times and locations

Time is PST or PDT, depending on time of year, X = TBD:

X:00 pm in-person — Marysville Library, 2nd meeting-room door on LHS of entrance hallway

X:15 pm online — link to be posted here before meeting

If you plan to attend in person, when you register, please add a comment "Plan to attend in person" to help me in preparing room accommodations.

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