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Chicas, Coffee & Connections

Photo of Melissa Lee
Hosted By
Melissa L.
Chicas, Coffee & Connections


Whether you're a solopreneur, entrepreneur or part of a larger organization, join us to cultivate connections.This is a casual coffee meet up for us to get together, chat business, share experiences, learn and grow from each other!

During the latter part of the event, we'll be hosting speed networking to help make new connections and strengthen existing ones! We'll organize into pairs for brief 5-minute one-on-one rounds. Again, this is fun and casual.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Photo of Wild and Well: Female Creatives in Business CDMX group
Wild and Well: Female Creatives in Business CDMX
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Every 2 weeks on Friday

The Treehouse Restaurante
Gral. Benjamín Hill 178 · Ciudad de México
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