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Re: [winedinehappyTac] Notes From The Grand Poobah

From: Teresa B
Sent on: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 2:46 AM
Thank you Steve. I was one of the ones that was waitlisted. I checked again at 4 o'clock this afternoon and I was still waitlisted. One has to have some time to come up with a costume for such a party and as I was waitlisted for so long there was no time. Yet I drug myself out to the Cody Renton band meet up only to find out that half the people didn't show up for the reserved party. Needless to say I was quite disappointed. I did make a comment on meet up about it hoping that people would understand that those of us waitlisted were quite disappointed.

 I tried to pay my dues on my phone and it can figure out how to do it. If you have a moment Monday night please show me how so I can get this done. I don't come to events often but when I do I always have a good time! I really want to thank all the people that are so happy to see me every time I go. It means a lot for all of us to be excepted and wanted. I appreciate the time and energy you put into this group Steve thank you so much. Teresa

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 16, 2014, at 1:18 AM, Steve Dische <[address removed]> wrote:

TWDHH Members,

I thought I would send out a message to all members; for the seasoned member, a reminder; for the new member, a heads up. I will talk about RSVP's, Member profile pictures and a new one that I have not brought up before: membership dues.

First to RSVP's: In January I sent out the Address of TWDHH message to all members. I asked members to be more diligent with their RSVP'S. If you sign up, and your plans change...change your RSVP's. I mentioned in my message that I will soon track No-Shows...and I considered a No-Show to a closed/limited event to be a big No-No!

Tonight we had our 4th Ides of March MU. In some cases it was the best ever..those in costume for the first time, outnumbered those not in costume. Adriatic Grill put an excellent spread of food, and the free wine tasting had bottles remaining at the end of the Meetup, so that members had free extra tastings. Adriatic Staff asked for us to come back again! Always a good sign :)

And at the same time, this meetup was perhaps one of the worse in terms of money loss. Adriatic Grill gave us a $28.30 deal for $20 per person. We had 50 folks signed up for this MU with approximately 20-30 folks on the waitlist. I put out two messages; one on Monday 10 March and one on 12 March to have members both on the Go list and those on the Waitlist to re-check their RSVP's. I would really hate to have No-Shows with this many that want to attend. When we were within the 24hr window of the Meetup, something very strange occurred: over 30 folks changed their RSVP's! I can understand a handful +or minus 3 or so...but over 30 folks!? I have a very hard time believing that many had 11th hour changes. This setup a second unusual event. One by one as folks changed their RSVP's, that brought up folks from the waitlist. appears that folks on the waitlist didn't think they would get in and shrugged the whole event off.

Bottom line: since I signed a contract, I had to pay out of pocket $185 to cover the cost of the food prepared for 50. I already agreed to pay an additional $40 for the cocktail tables...that came out of MU funds. We don't have that much money in our kitty, so I am eating the $185; however, I am initiating those items that I raised as a concerned during my January letter. If I have to sign a contract, members will have to prepay via PayPal; each and every No-Show will be counted, when you hit 3...we say Baaa Bye to you. No-Shows to limited events  (such as The Ides of March) count as 2, unless you give me heads-up.

Membership dues: I have never made it an issue of this. If you paid, you long as I had enough money every six months to pay the $72, I was fine. No more: if you have been a member for less then a year, no worries...sorta kinda, when you joined you saw what it cost for the year. When time permits please pay. Members who have been with TWDHH for more then a year; It is time to belly up to the trough. On limited venue events, it will determine whether you make the RSVP list.

Profile pictures. For those who do not have profile pictures, it is time to get one. As easy as it was to show us your puppy, Mt Rainier, The Eifel can show us who you are. I am doing this for the security of the group. After St Patty's MU at Katie Downs, you will need an actual picture to attend.




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