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Be the first to RSVP and experience our newest Wine Event this Friday!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 5:52 PM
Hello DC Area Wine Enthusiasts and Adventurers!

We are hosting a special Halloween Vini Vegas this Friday October 31. The event is costumed and early- the perfect start to your Halloween night!

Vini Vegas, a wine casino designed for corporate events, is already successful throughout Europe. It is a combination of the fun world of the Casino and the sophisticated world of wine. Sommelier dealers lead unique games focusing on your senses, memory and luck.

We have 2 tickets for 2 lucky winners and one guest each! All you have to do is be the first to email [address removed] requesting to attend! We hope to see you there!

Laurent, Martin, and Hailey

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