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Women's circle



These fortnightly gatherings are an invitation for every woman or whoever identifies as a woman who menstruates to find comfort in a safe space where all-women related experiences can be shared, heard and held by the circle.

Why women's circle?

Because we all have equal voice to share what moves in us, that is the nature life, circular. No one knows what is like to be another person. The circle holds us in all the experiences we encounter and when we share we weave the circle of holding one another, trusting, learning and anchoring in the lap of our being.

What do we explore/do in these meetings?

Every gathering has it's own note. We meet in a quiet space of Turquoise Gallery. We have tea together and share how we are where we are in our menstrual cycle. We learn about the seasons of the menstrual cycle and how to honour that flow in our life from summer (ovulation) to post ovulation and bleed (winter).
All these hormonal changes in our body are real and living as if they don't affect us is counter-productive to our ebb and flow.

We touch on subjects related to the menstrual cycle, menopause, motherhood and more through listening, sharing, movement, inner guided work and drawing/painting.

If this resonates with you, get in touch if you have questions or would like to dip in and get e feel for these gatherings.

These sessions are in English language.

€10 for those employed
€5 for students
€2 trial to come to try out (please use promo code for this)

Please book a place a day before or early on the day at the latest if you intend to come. Email me at for any communication.

With love

Photo of Cyclical Woman group
Cyclical Woman
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Tuesday, June 11, 2024
3:00 PM
RSVPs are closed
Lange Achterweg 44
Lange Achterweg 44 · 's-Heer Arendskerke
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