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Bhutan – The Land of Happiness: Experience the Drubchen Festival in Thimphu

Photo of Chandni Aggarwal
Hosted By
Chandni A.
Bhutan – The Land of Happiness: Experience the Drubchen Festival in Thimphu


Bhutan – The Land of Happiness: Experience the Drubchen Festival in Thimphu
Sep 7-14 (Mixed Group)
Link for complete details:
Bhutan, the land of happiness, has been a dream destination of all conscious travelers around the world! It’s the country that introduced the index of Gross National Happiness to this planet, signifying happiness to be an important part of national growth. Hence, Bhutan definitely deserves a visit, at least once in our lifetime.
Bhutan is a landlocked Buddhist kingdom, sharing borders with Tibet and India. It rests like a baby in the arms of mother India that also signifies the friendly relationship between the two countries. Warm smiles and hospitality of Bhutanese people, wide valleys, beautiful birds, dramatic landscapes, majestic mountains, captivating Dzongs, refreshing waterfalls, and colorful prayer flags in the air are bound to enthrall us.
Trip Highlights:

  1. Bhutan Border Town
  2. Buddha Point
    3. Drubchen Festival Thimpu
  3. Motithang Takin Preserve
  4. National Folk Heritage Museum
  5. Traditional Bhutanese Meal
  6. Tashichho Dzong
  7. Dochula Pass
  8. Traditionally dressed locals
  9. Chimi Lhakhang
  10. Punakha Dzong
  11. National Museum of Bhutan
  12. Taktsang Monastery
  13. Chelela Pass
  14. Paro Airport View Point
  15. Unforgettable Social experience
    Link for complete details:
    You can also check out our Tripadvisor and Google reviews by clicking on their respective terms.
    Instagram: @transformingtravels
    Chandni Aggarwal
    +91-9999749677 (WhatsApp/ Call)
    (If the number isn't reachable, please leave a WhatsApp message so that we can call you back)
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