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Amplify Her- How to release your single and make noise

Photo of Andrea Dee
Hosted By
Andrea D.
Amplify Her- How to release your single and make noise


## Amplify Her elevating women in the music industry

Tickets available here

### Join our amazing community of women in the music industry, share your story and let's support each other on our way to success.

Amplify Her virtual meetings invite women in the music industry to come together, network, and share their journey.

Each meeting with discuss a theme in getting closer to success!

Let's plan your future

The mission is to "Create a community of female music industry professionals that support one another in moving their careers forward, filling the gender gap in the music industry, promoting and connecting female artists as well as other music professionals all whilst promoting gender equality".

Being an artist can have its ups and down and here we find a place to build a community, help each other and keep moving forward.
We want to hear about your experience in the music industry, tell us what you are up too
In London? Join us for an in-person event, for more

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Photo of Women in the music industry- Amplify Her group
Women in the music industry- Amplify Her
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