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What we’re about

Welcome to the support group dedicated to women of ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK! I will be hosting online Zoom group meetings for those who may need a safe and supportive space for sharing any issues they may come across in their lives.

We are happy to listen from an empathetic place as well as sharing our own experience on things to give more insight and perspective.

We will be addressing a lot of different themes such as:
- Racism
- Social Injustice
- Self-Love and Empowerment
- Grief & Loss
- Domestic Violence
- Isolation/Loneliness from COVID-19
- Homesickness/Recently moving to the UK
- Relationship Issues
- Workplace Issues
- Your suggestions or any other issues you would like to bring in

We hope to create a judgement-free zone where you could bring in any particular issues you would like and feel comfortable to share in the group space.
Keep an eye out for any upcoming events, I hope to eventually turn the online meetings into a weekly thing!



Hey everyone! :) I'm Cherry, the organizer of this group, and thank you so much for checking it out! I hope to empower and build confidence for all of us who may be struggling through different issues in life. You are never alone and I hope this may be a safe and supportive resource for you. 

I was originally born in China, my family moved to Australia when I was 4 and that was where I grew up. It had always been challenging for me communicating and making friends as a kid, I was very shy and didn't speak much English. There was a lot of outward and subtle racism that I didn't understand until becoming an adult. 

After graduating Uni, I decided to move to the US to be with my ex-husband and we eventually settled in Seattle for about 4 years. During the relationship, things became emotionally/physically abusive and I was at a place where I had little resources to help myself. I eventually starting looking for resources and came across a very support therapist who was able to help myself understand a lot about the abusive dynamics as well as power and control cycles. Not long until meeting her, I had made a choice to call the police when things had escalated in the marriage and eventually the relationship dissipated.

Not long afterwards, my Dad who I had a very big connection with had passed away very sudden and unexpectedly. I was dealing with overwhelming grief from both the loss of my marriage and also the loss of my Dad. At the same time, I was planning a move to the UK in the following month with my new supportive partner. 

Since then, the pandemic has taken a toll and plans of finding a new city in the UK to live has been on hold. The isolation of it all gave me a lot of space to reflect on the grief in my life, at the same time it has also opened my awareness even more to the racial injustice that has been happening in the world for centuries. 

Although I am still grieving and healing from the trauma in my life, I know that I'm not the only one who is bearing pain and hurt from the issues that ethnic minorities may face on a daily basis. I created this group in hopes that we can all be supportive for each other in our journeys to find comfort and empowerment no matter what life throws at us!