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What we’re about

Women who want to be in the outdoors together, let's get together to hike, bike,
anything outdoors.
Welcome! Women Outdoors, Inc. is a national, nonprofit, all-volunteer organization founded in 1980 to: Promote wilderness activities and competency in the out-of-doors; Develop and provide focus for a network of women who share a common interest in the out-of-doors; Serve as an educational clearinghouse, resource and support base for women taking leadership roles in the outdoors; Encourage an integrated environmentally-conscious lifestyle; and Support policies that preserve the earth’s natural resources and promote a strong environmental ethic and conservation practices. Women Outdoors is a network where women can meet other women who share their outdoor interests and values. We provide a place for women who, through the outdoors, build bridges among members of diverse outdoor skills, ages, lifestyles and cultures. 

Our 200+ members and 1000+ meetup members are spread across the United States with the largest number in the Northeast, where Women Outdoors was founded. Our Mission: To provide a supportive environment where all women can have fun and challenge themselves in a community of women who love the outdoors while respecting the Earth. Our Vision Women Outdoors is a national network of diverse women who are engaged in the enjoyment of outdoor activities. We seek to promote leadership development through member participation in biannual workshops; environmental stewardship by creating and participating in earth stewardship programs; and personal growth by offering multiple skills-based regional workshops.