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New Meetup: Biltmore Estate Tour and Dinner at The Market Place

From: Cindy C.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 1:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Just Us Girls!

What: Biltmore Estate Tour and Dinner at The Market Place

When: April 17,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $77.00 per person

Biltmore Estate
1 Approach Road
Asheville, NC 28803

After speaking with the staff at the Biltmore, I have chosen the date they recommended for a tour of the estate, gardens and surrounding property. We will start with lunch in their Bistro, visit their winery, tour the estate with the garden in peak bloom, and the newly renovated fourth floor of the mansion. We will also go on their Legacy of the Land tour, which is at set times. We will have time to visit their shops before going to dinner at one of Asheville's gems, The Market Place restaurant. Then we will be returning home. I hope you can join us for this fun day trip!

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