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What we’re about

Hello Infinite Beings having a human experience in a woman's body.

Join us to connect with like-minded spiritual women for hikes on Mt Tam.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!

We welcome compassion, integrity, perspective shifting, honoring of each person's life experience, supporting each other and the group through appreciation and gratitude, and speaking positively about each other and your experiences in this group...

AND your experience is your own creation, so please choose to create great experiences for yourself within this group.

Who we are is what we attract and in this group we are supporting women to rise up within themselves and be the best and most vibrant version of themselves...and we are here to support that upward journey!

Your participation is "at will". You are responsible for your decisions in participation as well as your body and your feet!

Hikes are of various lengths and difficulties.