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What we’re about

We are WONBATS, a low-pressure creative group run by women of color, for women, non-binary, trans, and allies. Our aim is to create a community with a safe space environment in which you can be yourself, build skills, produce work, network, and just hang out!


When/where are meetings?

We used to meet in-person every week, but since the pandemic began, we've been hosting online meetings, every Thursday at 7:30p-10:00p PST in the voice chat. When we can meet in-person again, we plan to stream meetings through Discord so that those who can't attend in-person meetings can still attend.


What happens at meetings?

Honestly, we're super low-key. We mostly play video games, DND, watch videos together, or just chat. If you've got a project you want to work on, feel free! If you'd like feedback on something, just ask us! We enjoy hosting workshops from time to time, so let us know if you'd like to host one. In the past, we've had various workshops on everything from comic lettering to 3D modeling to yarnbombing.


Is this group for me?

Are you looking for a safe space that accepts women, non-binary, & trans people of all genders? Are you an artist, writer, creator, gamer, and/or RP enthusiast? Do you consider yourself a "non-creative" but you just want to hang with like-minded people in a safe space while supporting the arts? If you answered "yes" to any of these, you're welcome here! <br>