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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Save the Date for a Halloween Tradition! – your weekly group update

From: Jay
Sent on: Monday, September 21, 2015, 10:30 AM
Hi All –

Ladies and gents, it’s that time of year, yet again. Yes, it’s time to prepare for our annual Halloween Pub Run – our fabulous fifth outing! We’ll casually run about 3ish miles, stop at a bunch of pubs for drink specials along the way, and raise money for charity. More details are available online (you’ll find a link, down below), and we’ll have even more information to you in the next couple weeks. But, we really do need your RSVP so that we can get an idea of how many fun people to expect. Please follow the link, RSVP, get your contest-winning costume ready, and we’ll see you on October 24th. [NOTE from your group organizer: Ricky’s is opening a Halloween pop-up shop in Woodside(!), on Roosevelt Avenue & 62nd Street].

Some of us are in the midst of training to run the New York City Marathon on November 1st. If this sounds like you, and you are deeply saddened by the fact that you are not drinking during your taper and will therefore miss our pub run, don’t fret! Your organizer would like to see you volunteer to help, either before- or during the pub run. We’ve supported you throughout your training – this is your chance to give something back to the group. Message your organizer for details.

Speaking of the upcoming marathon and all the wonderful members of our group who plan to participate, we would love to have everybody else join us at our Queens Welcome Zone in LIC to cheer them on! We will again stand on the Queens side of the Pulaski Bridge (just past the marathon half-way mark), hold signs, scream encouragement at anybody that will listen and generally have a grand time. We also tend to find beverages afterward. Check the link, below, for details.

Watch this space plus the Runners Forum for updates and any changes to the schedule. If you are not yet a member of the group’s secure discussion area, please follow the link, below, while signed in to Google+, or message your organizer for assistance.
  Runners Forum:
  Message your Organizer:

Coming up this week
Tuesday at 6:30am
Casual 4ish miler

Tuesday at 7:00pm
Casual 3ish miler

Thursday at 7:15pm
Thursday evening casual 6 miler

Saturday at 9:00am
Casual 3ish mile run

Save the date!
Saturday, October 24th, 1:00pm
Fifth Annual Halloween Pub Run
Please RSVP now!

Sunday, November 1st, 10:00am
NYC Marathon Cheering in LIC!

Pure Spa & Salon in Sunnyside offers a 10% discount to our group! Identify yourself as a member of the Woodside-Sunnyside Runners when you schedule an appointment.

If you are in the market for new running shoes, SKORA offers a 20% discount to our group members. Use coupon code queensnyc_runners20 at checkout. Follow this link for details:
Thanks all!
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Please see our full calendar of events
connect with us on Google+
like us on Facebook
and follow us on Instagram
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