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New Event: Hola, Vamos a encontrarnos

From: Raymond H.
Sent on: Friday, September 14, 2007, 9:05 AM
Announcing a new event for The Worcester Spanish Language Meetup Group!

What: Hola, Vamos a encontrarnos

When: Tuesday, October 9, 7:00 PM

Event fee: USD1.00 per person

Where: (A location for this event hasn't been chosen yet)

Event Description: Hola, Vamos a encontrarnos para el meetup de Octubre.

If you want to improve in your Spanish you have to come. All levels welcome. From beginner to Native speakers.

Hope to see all of you!!!

We may be meeting at a restaurant in the local area, Oscar will be looking into a place in the area, some sort of spanish restaurant. We will keep you posted, so please check back on the site. As soon as we have a definite location I will post it here.

For those of you who missed the last meeting we had several new members and a great time. For all members: new and old alike, please join us for the next meeting we really need everyone's support.


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