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WordPress Experts Needed

From: Jennifer C.
Sent on: Monday, June 21, 2010, 4:26 PM
Hi SoCal WordPress group,

Our company is a full-service agency that provides 360 digital management services, including websites, social media, etc. We outsource the majority of the production work to freelancers and small companies. We prefer to look at our vendors as partners and provide an on-going source of projects. Our primary concerns are cost and reliability. You won't need to come into the office, but we prefer to work with people who are located in the Southern California area.

We currently have a few WordPress-related projects that we need help with. If you are interested, please email me at jennifer [at] for more information. Portfolios and examples of work would be helpful. Thanks!

Jennifer Chang
Digital Media Management
e: jennifer [at] 

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