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Workplace Ninja Denmark - July 2022

Photo of Ronni Pedersen
Hosted By
Ronni P. and 2 others
Workplace Ninja Denmark  - July 2022


Join us on Friday July 8th, 2022 for the July Edition of the Workplace Ninja User Group meeting.
The event is free and delivered online using Microsoft Teams.

The event will include interesting sessions which are all Microsoft 365 related.
Due to the online format of the event, all sessions will be approx. 45 min. each, with additional time for Q&A.

The overall agenda for the day is:

09:00 – 09:05 – Welcome (Michael, Ronni & Peter)
09:05 – 09:50 – TBA (Claus Jespersen)
10:00 – 10:45 – TBA (TBA)
10:45 – 11:00 – Expert Panel AMA and Wrap-up

All sessions are delivered in Danish. If we have international speakers, sessions will be delivered in English.

Link to the Event:


Photo of Workplace Ninja User Group Denmark group
Workplace Ninja User Group Denmark
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