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Sow a prompt, grow a story! (Online)

Photo of Damien Concordel
Hosted By
Damien C.
Sow a prompt, grow a story! (Online)


Sometimes all you need to grow a story is a seed and some time. Come and get both here!
I will provide a number of writing prompts of various types, and we'll take some time together to explore our minds for what might come out of them.
There are no particular rules, the prompts are only there to serve to kickstart ideas and get our creativity flowing. You can write whatever you want, in whatever language, using one or more or even no prompts at all if you drift away from them.
And at the end, if you feel up to it, you can share your work and get some first reactions!

Also, if you have any prompts you'd like to share, feel free to message me and I'll gladly include them!

Here's the rough plan:
- Welcome, introductions - 15min
- Explanation of the concept, review of the prompts - 15min
- Writing time - 1 hour
- Sharing & Feedback time - 30min at least.

The meetup is scheduled to last 2 hours but I'm not rushed, if there's a good chat going on we can keep going...

FYI, the video conference link is always the same (, so save it somewhere to rejoin the call in case you drop out!

Photo of Write Away! group
Write Away!
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Every 2 weeks on Saturday

Online event
Link visible for attendees