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AWG Schedule

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Sunday, November 24, 2013, 6:22 PM

We're happy to report that our schedule has been established through the end of March.  Of course events could overtake us and things could shift - such is the nature of nature.

If you'd like to peruse the calendar and sign up for a future critique, please feel free to do so.  We'll try to honor your request, and establishing a deadline for yourself is usually a good idea.


As of now, we will have critique sessions on:

December 4 and possibly 18

January 1, 15

February 12, 26

March 12, 26


You'll also see some lecture topics and guest speakers in the calendar.  If there are no details, there are no details.  We will fill them in as they come into existence.

Thank you, have a happy Thanksgiving - and anything else you may be celebrating before I see you again.