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New Meetup: Writer's Salon SSC day (Serious Sat. Critiques)

From: lauren s.
Sent on: Saturday, December 5, 2009, 3:54 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Tokyo Writers Salon!

What: Writer's Salon SSC day (Serious Sat. Critiques)

When: January 9,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $[masked] yen per person

[masked] Shiroganedai

This is the day to bring in copies of an existing project for formal critique. We will be honest, constructive but still kind-

This session will be limited to 6 people to make sure we have time to get through everything that is brought, so rsvp early to make sure you have a space.
time will be from 1-4pm (3 hrs)

attendees MUST bring paper copies of their work.

We will follow a specific format that will be mailed to all confirmed RSVP's before the event. and is posted on the message boards.
questions, comments? email me!

Some absolute needs
1. please try to be on time
2. bring enough copies for everyone
3. post your work on line at least 2 days before on the files section of this site.
4. you must read the work posted by each member before you come.
5. keep your input constructive, clear, and brief.
6. As the writer of a work, please come with 3 questions you would like us to focus on as we read your work.

these rules are in place to make sure everyone gets the feedback they need and that we have time to cover everyone's work equally.

thanks to those who have been coming. RSVP early if you want to attend one of these very valuable sessions. I may add a second one for different members if there is enough interest.

1000 yen charge for SSC sessions. Includes room space free coffee and tea (please bring your own snacks if you want)

directions to the space can be found here

Learn more here: